Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Mother and Daughter---Best Friends
For a girl, there can be no best friend than her mother. Mother and daughter bonding is one of the best friendship bonds in the entire universe. There can be no other alternative or no better friend than a mother. Moms are the most loving, caring and selfless friends that one can have! As infants, we cling to our moms, and as we grow up, the bond becomes stronger with every passing day. Although both boys and girls love their moms equally, a mother-daughter bond goes on to become the deepest connection.

Girls find their moms to be their best friends and confide everything to them. Girls take their moms with them almost everywhere and take their advice whenever they face any trouble. Boys, on the other hand, are more close to their fathers as they grow up. Girls, unlike boys, rely on their moms to a greater extent when making a crucial decision in their life. They have great faith on their guidance and counsel. Only a mother can foresee what is good for her children. They are worldly wise and know what is right and what is wrong. That's why a girl heavily relies on her mother in all the problems of her life.

A mother's love and affection is magical and they have great power endowed in them. Mothers show great courage and consistence in the face of the worst dangers. No matter what is the obstacle and threat, a mother never forsakes her child. Such is the greatness of a mother! She is the symbol of greatness, endurance and unconditional love! She is the ' real ' God !

I found some inspirational ideas and great e-cards for your mom on a blog which is Mother's Day Cards. On Mother's Day, wish your mom with these cute and amazing e-cards!

I've Got A To-Do List For U... Send this fun-filled to-do list to your friend and make her feel simply relaxed.
I've Got A To-Do List For U...
Send this fun-filled to-do list to your friend and make her feel simply relaxed.
[ Interactive ]

You Are What A Perfect Woman Should Be ! On Mother's Day, wish a wonderful friend with this warm 'n beautiful ecard.
You Are What A Perfect Woman Should Be !
On Mother's Day, wish a wonderful friend with this warm 'n beautiful ecard.
[ Flash ]

It's Amazing... Wish someone special on Mother's Day with this beautiful ecard.
It's Amazing...
Wish someone special on Mother's Day with this beautiful ecard.
[ Flash ]

Know What I Cherish ? With this cute ecard touch your friend's heart and wish her warmly on Mother's Day.
Know What I Cherish ?
With this cute ecard touch your friend's heart and wish her warmly on Mother's Day.
[ Flash ]


posted by Robert at 1:12 AM | Permalink |